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Jamie & Caitlyn

We had the chance to photograph a very special little girl named Caitlyn just the other day. Her Daddy’s friend brought her in for pictures to surprise him with on Father’s Day, and so we had to wait to post on the blog until after the beans were spilled. This was the case with a few other sessions and weddings recently, so my apologies for not keeping everything up to date.

Caitlyn has a smile that is absolutely infectious, and I just wanted to take this time to tell her how much I appreciated her giggles, and also to say again that I’m sorry about the stickerbush. Bad idea for me to have her running around in the weeds in her bare feet. Ouch. 🙁 Those darn photographers! What are they thinking?!! Anyway, from me to you Caitlyn, Sorry Kiddo.

Jamie is sister to a very special person in my son’s little life, his preschool teacher from years ago, Miss Kelly. (Even when I talk to her on the phone, I can’t help but to call her Miss Kelly, no matter how hard I try.) She brought her little ones along in full support for her sister, so we decided to snap a few shots and play for awhile after the session. C’mon, cute kids at play, in my studio, good light, a camera with an empty card, time to kill…. what can you expect from me? 😉 P.S. Miss Kelly, when’s the next grown-ups night out? We had a great time. 🙂

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