Well, here it is, our new site.
We decided to add a little more color and get away from tired old black for awhile. You’ll notice things are a little more casual, and slightly skewed, because as some of you can easily attest, that’s just my personality. Always just a little against the grain, and just a clutz when it comes to neat orgenizayshen :). I don’t have that word in my vocabulary. 🙂
See how easily the site just integrates into my real world desktop??:
It’s seemless!! Like some kind of techy camoflauge. 🙂 Really though, things should flow a bit more now that we’re up and running. Soon we’ll be hosting all of our client proofing online, and we’ll change the packages accordingly. That little feature should make things very convenient for you when you place your orders or when you want to show your family the proofs. Please let us know your thoughts. Likes, Dislikes, Yay’s, Nay’s, Up, Down. We’d love to hear from you all. After all, it’s there for you.