We finished the day with the baptism of Taige Ryan Webb. I’ve never been to a Catholic Baptism, so I showed up early. Way too early, thinking I was going to dive right in. Not the case. The family or the Father has the choice to have the baptism performed privately and after the mass. So it was just friends and family, and we got to get nice and close with the cameras and not worry about holding up the ceremony. It was a very unique experience, and I’m glad I got to be there to see Taige. I feel like already I’ve been around for so much of her little life. 🙂 I’m going to let the pictures tell the story. 🙂
Here’s an excited mom and dad getting their new little bundle into the prettiest outfit she’s ever worn.
The Father, making things nice and cozy warm. 🙂
Blessing the water with the little ones.
The big moment, and Taige was beautiful as could be. Looking up at her mommy and daddy with big saucer eyes. Not even a peep. 🙂
Sisterly oodling, googling, doddling…
Can you see this proud new mom and dad, literally BEAMING! It’s like looking into the sun! 🙂
Thanks to the entire family on both sides for letting us share your day. It was truly a blessing! We hope you all had a great time. 🙂