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Alivea and Karter

We’re a little behind in posting this week, so I’m going to toss up a triple feature. A family shoot, a wedding, and a senior. That way we can catch up on the images and still try to hold onto the customer service? That’s the plan anyway. So, here we go!

We got to take the Weber family out for a play in the park recently. It’s been since ’05 since we took their pictures last, so it was nice to see Alivea sprouting up so beautifully, looking just like her mom. And now there’s Mr. Karter, who is poised to be as tough as dad, built like a brickhouse and ready for anything. He was discovering the feel of new leaves and playground slides while Jen and Alivea played in the milkweed grass. Some of my favorite shoots are a day at the park. They get to play, we get to play, everybody goes home happy 🙂

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