This is Becky & Ryan, set to be husband and wife in August this year. Becky works at the daycare in her hometown, and it’s easy to see she’s good at her job. Her personality seems to be the kind that kids flock to. She’s quiet at first, but her eyes sparkle with her smile. She knows what she wants, and she is kind. What kid wouldn’t eat that up? 🙂 The wind was kicking up hard and the clouds were spitting rain on the day of the shoot, but we found a great little hideaway tucked into the trees and had just enough time to play. The great thing about days like this is that you don’t forget them. Sunny days might come and go, and beautiful as they are, they get lost in the ebb and tide of life. Stormy days that are a little nerve-racking, when the wind is howling and the thunder is crashing…they don’t let you forget that time is passing, and this moment is just right now. Relish it.