Some outstanding responses to this image. Here’s some of my favorite responses:
*I see a mom-to-be having so many emotions at once, scared to go through the actual labor, love, for the child inside, nervous about the fact she is goingt o be a mother, excitement for the fact she is going to be a mother and peace that her dream of being a mother is about to come true. Pregnancy is such a great gift and it is unlike anything anyone has ever felt. She looks peaceful in her thoughts and relaxed just hanging out with her baby.
*She looked like a flower, and had a glow that I don’t think I’ve ever seen captured in a picture before – new moms and moms to be just have this amazing glow. It was serene and perfect – everything motherhood should be. Expecting one of God’s little gifts – one of the most amazing gifts a woman can have.
*I see BEAUTY at it’s finest… I see WONDER….what will he/she look like, will he/she have my nose, my smile, will it be a boy or a girl, what will his/her cry sound like. I see excitement, the experience of all the “Firsts”, the first time she heard the heartbeat, felt the baby kick. I see ANTICPATION but in a good way, anticipation the first cry, the first tooth, the first word, the first step… I see MIRACLE, He blessed her, He chose her to assist Him in His miracles. I see her relax in the comfort of the big plush chair, happy that someone like yourself is ready and willing to put your heart and soul into capturing her in this very moment of emotions and physical changes.
All great thoughts. What I envisioned in making the image: The anticipation of motherhood. I wanted to pick up that beautiful glimmer in her eyes, that hint of a smile sparkling, and it was also important to me to also light her painted nails. Something about this soon-to-be mom, with everything changing so rapidly, physically, emotionally, and yet she still pauses somewhere in the flutter of it all to paint her toes. Painting her toes. I get a sense of preparedness, of making ready. This beautiful young lady, full of dreams and aspirations, making room in her life, in her marriage, and in her heart, for this little one.
Shooting from above, I wanted to capture mom, cradling her yet unknown best friend, herself being cradled in her thoughts. What dreams may come. The possibilities as she brings this life into the world.
What do I see most when I look at this image: I see Eve, Christmas morning, and the thrill of unwrapping a gift form God. I see the cradle, the circle of life, the emotions that are dancing in her eyes, and the care, already there and ready for the dishing out, to a child that she’s not yet held, but holds fervently in her love.
This was fun! Should we do it again? You tell me.