This is Jami and Patrick. We’ll be covering their wedding in May next year. I met Jami first when she came along, as any great sister would, for her brother Grant’s senior pictures last year. She helped handle one of Grant’s passions, his 4H pig. We had a really great time that day, and then she called to book us for her wedding. That was an honor. Today it was supposed to be warm, but we had some very blistery winds come up just before the shoot. Jami was up to it, so we braved the winter winds regardless. She hopped out of the car without even a coat on, ready to give it all for her pictures. What a trooper! Patrick talked her back into the coat, which a few minutes later turned out to be a very good idea, becuase the wind kicked up to make us all appreciate a little something more between us and the elements. The Merry-Go-Round was turning itself in the wind. 🙂 I love any chance to get out of the studio, so I of course was happy regardless. Looking forward to May. 🙂 P.S., Hey Grant, if you’re out there, quit chasing those college girls and pick up the phone a little more often, call your sister! Jami said you’re too hard to get ahold of these days. Don’t you know, a sister like her doesn’t come along once in a lifetime. And oh yeah, give my regards to the Ram. I spent a few years cooking a mean prime rib there back in the days when I went to school at SDSU. 🙂