This is a little off-subject, but my dad just came out of some pretty intensive surgery last night with flying colors. He’s as hard-headed as they come, and didn’t call to tell me he was even going in for surgery until the final hours yesterday. I called him this morning and he was already out watering his horses, promising me he’s not going to try to lift anything today…yeah right. My point is, short and sweet, God is Great. He hears prayers. From the small little breath-prayers to the On-your-knees-with-your-nose-to-the-floor kind, He’s listening, and He cares.
It’s strange to me, the distractions of Man. We put a Blessings jar in the center of our dining room table several months ago, with this great idea of writing down the blessings from day-to-day and putting them in the jar, so we’d have a constant, visual reminder of God’s grace and mercy. Then the other day I found that jar in a cupboard, over in the corner…isn’t that just like us? We always put God in the corner until something comes up that sends us searching the house for Him, dusting Him off. So small is our grasp on reality, and so Big is our God.
It’s just that plain and simple. Believe it or not. I was hundreds of miles away, and nothing I could do, but my other Dad was right there by his side.
If God is everywhere doing all things, then maybe He reads my blog, and I just want to say Thanks, publicly. 🙂 From the deepest corners of my soul, I owe you, big time. 🙂 You’re a cool Dad, and I’m sorry I ever put you in the corner.