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DC Elliott

I’m still trying to process the events of this day… During Sunday school this morning, all on their own, my 6 year old daughter began a talk with another little girl about Jesus. They talked about John 3:16 and what He did, and what they believe. My little girl announced that she believed. Today happened to be my church’s baptism Sunday, and I was singing up front. During the baptism I was taking pictures for the families of the people being baptized. While he was in the water our pastor felt a call from Christ to open it up, to give an open invitation, and down walked 2 close friends of mine… and then there in front of me stood my little peanut. She’d made her decision.

When I saw her I couldn’t believe my eyes. You have no idea how long I’ve been praying for her, to make the decision she did today. I knew it wasn’t something I could push no matter how bad I wanted it, and until today, she was just never sure. I couldn’t hold the camera straight or see through the tears, and it dawned on me as she was climbing into the baptismal pool that my place wasn’t behind the camera, it was alongside my girl. I was there when my boy got wet, and I was there when my wife got wet. It was where I belonged. Kari stepped in and took the camera for me and shot what you see in the images below.

As of October 25th, 2009, I’ve been blessed to say that I’ve personally baptized every member of my family. I’ve watched their faces go down under the water while I hold their hands and I’ve seen them raised up, taking that deep gulp of fresh air.

Praise God from whom all blessings come!

There is one word that can convey to you what I feel today. One word that is coursing through my veins.

Thanks. Really, God. Thanks.

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