It was just a touch chilly for Tamara and Lowell’s wedding, but everyone put on their best show, or in this case, groomsmen’s jackets, for the pictures at the Falls. This wedding was fun because these two stayed focused on eachother. Sometimes it’s so easy for the events of the day to take over, and I’ve seen the bride and groom get lost in a flurry of mind-blurring activity. But she had a CD echoing her favorite music down the hallway while they helped her with her dress, as he waited in the sanctuary, anxiously, but smoothed over like it was Sunday morning. There was a photo album that they’d put together at the front of the church which was the guest book, and it was already filled with dozens of great pictures of the two of them, happy, on trips, over the holidays, in love, and together. These two are going to be just fine.