They call this the LOST GENERATION, because nobody prints anymore.
Would you like a complimentary, free album design? If you’ve had a session with us in the last year, give us a shout and we’ll hook you up! We REALLY want our clients to get back into having a HARD COPY keepsake of their sessions, to hold onto and pass down. Customers from 20 years ago are still proud to show us their albums and wall portraits, but times have changed. When we came back from Haiti, everyone had moved to online proofing. We followed suit and shifted our studio over to just uploading proofs, but we see now that was a big mistake.
Everyone’s images live on in social media…until they don’t. Professional images, created to be appreciated large and in living color, are viewed on tiny screens, ‘liked’ and then forgotten, but what are you left with? Maybe Facebook reminds you of a great memory in 10 years, maybe they go out of business between now and then and it’s all lost.
For over 2 decades it has been a great passion of ours to tell YOUR story. Let us help create something special for your family. Instead of turning over images online and being ‘finished’, as your photographers, we have to get more involved in the process of transforming these memories into keepsakes, the way we used to. And you as our clients have to want this too. Your alternative is to let Zuck take care of what memories his algorithm thinks should be suggested for you, depending on whether or not you’ve been flagged, banned, or canceled…. Sometimes, forward into mindless social media oblivion is not the best answer. Sometimes it’s wise to reflect and recount, to have something in those hands of yours to page through and remember.
