Since January, 2007, my family has:
*moved out of our home, naively thinking it would sell in 1 week. *moved in with my in-laws for turned into 3 months. *moved back into our home for 4 months. *fixed up our home for 4 months. *sold our home after 9 months. *had endless meetings with bankers and officials about building onto our studio throughout the year (city codes, banking regulations.) *let one employee go and hired another. *subsequently got buried in work for 3 months. *got the approval to build on. *moved in with in-laws again for what turned into another 3 months while we got the project under way. *built our new home and had the inspections signed off. *moved into our new home in 1 day, spent New-Years Eve, at the stroke of midnight, dancing with my wife to Amazing Grace, courtesy of Life 96.5. *And finally, spent this January, one year later, settling in, buttoning down for winter.
We’ve been tossing and bouncing around much like the butter that we churned in the last blog. I think there were days that it really did feel like we were getting poured through the strainer. Ask Kari, I’m sure she can rattle off a few…’momentous’ occasions in the Elliott family. As far as normal, whatever the interpretation of that may be, we’re still trying to get a good bead on what that feels like, or what normal even means. Strangely, life today feels right-side-up in a very upside-down world, but I guess it all depends on your point of view, right?
The blogging began to slow to a gradual halt last fall, as there just weren’t any more back-burners left to put things on, mostly because there just wasn’t any burn left. Sometimes, in big seasons of change we just need to step back and take it in, right? It’s been a sigh, a deep breath of fresh air, long awaited.
Well, here’s a snapshot, with no big, deep meaning. My boy was dead set on him and I getting a shot of the dog and cat together, and when I saw this picture I got a good laugh. Thought some of you might like a light-hearted, good laugh too. Click the image to see a larger preview. The words are just what crossed my mind when I saw the image…. just for fun.